
Wednesday, 2 March 2016

How can I help myself HEAL

I have been nudged to compose this blog today as The Angels feel it will help the thousands who suffer with daily physical pain and unrest.  Physical pain triggers so many emotions within us, one being that of anger. Not necessarily feelings of why me?? but sometimes with the process and time it takes to heal. It is true to say that some physical ailments lie within boundaries of fear and ego and such ailments can prevent us from moving forwards. The comfortability of where our pain takes us can mean that we have no choice but to stay home and indulge in the  cycle that ensues once we give in. It is an unpleasant cycle that is for sure. Then there are the emotions that arise from being on endless waiting lists and feeling abandoned with nobody to talk to who seems to understand. For many physical pain is relentless and requires daily medication just to be able to function and for some, physical pain will be a symptom from an illness that will have its roots bound to a return to home. that home being of course HEAVEN.
Sometimes though we have a choice and I read for many who will openly admit that the pain has won, it has kept them down and surfaces at the exact moment when they feel close to a new chapter. This will cause a relapse and a painful one at that. Until you have been in this process it cannot be understood and it is a challenge as big as any other..
Today I want to talk to you about the above card and the utter importance of its meaning. It is particularly aimed at those whose lives have come to a standstill due to pain and whose life is being affected by this. This card always brings us comfort because it reassures us that behind the scenes the Angels are doing all they can to help. AA Raphael also lets us know through this card that a miracle is on the horizon. A belief in that miracle is of course part of the process. The card also lets us know that although we are not comfortable with our present situation it is not a time to force anything but instead to go with the flow of life trusting the end process whatever that may be. Accepting that things are as they are for now is the first stage of healing. I ask that any of you experiencing pain at the moment take the time today to get to know your pain. It simply must be felt and listened to. Let AA Raphael know that you are willing to accept things knowing in the back of your mind that he is working on your behalf to help with the healing process. Of course you have a major part to play here and that is listening in to any random thoughts that come your way. These will be the answers to your prayers as AA Raphael speaks to you.
Alison xx


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