
Sunday, 17 June 2018


Good Afternoon,
I have been nudged today to share with you some comforting words and support for any of you going through extra hard times. I have always felt a need to come away from my page when I have my own issues because it is very important when helping others that you do not offload your own woes to those looking to you for enlightenment. Yes it is very true to say that we all have challenges and sometimes they seem almost too hard to bear, but it is during these times that we all need support and someone to turn to.. I hope my page is that place for some of you...   Where do you go when you need help? Who do you turn to and who can make it better for you. 

There are so many answers and we will probably all take a different course of action. For some music will be the key to lifting the spirits and I have found this to be the case many times. Some will lean on another person but sometimes in life, that other person is also looking for help and cannot support you in the way you need. Sometimes just someone being there, sitting with you and listening is all that is needed and during other times being alone with one's thoughts  seems the only way. I want you all to know that during these times of intense worry or fear there are many Angels and Archangels to turn to. 

I personally read for myself during these times and always get my answer. On occasion I do not like what I see, especially if I am reading from a deck that is a little less gentle. That being said I would rather know what is ahead and have the insight to then deal with it.  Some of you will turn to a special friend who always comes running when times get rough and if you have one of those friends they should be cherished. Fear is always a sign that you are moving away from source and so are thoughts of jealousy or dislike. This can act as a barometer of where you are at if you can be honest with yourself..

Please know that if you are still and connect with The Angels through thought or spoken word they will always assist. Be sure to ask that a favourable outcome is reached for all concerned. Trust and believe that the flow of life is correct and that there are no such things as mistakes. Make your words positive and try not to share too many of your trying times with too many people. Be the light that others want to see and if you start this today, you may just notice a huge shift. It can be difficult when people ask "HOW ARE YOU" You want to scream sometimes and pour out all of your frustration but that is never the way. Simply answer "I AM VERY WELL THANK YOU" Do not be tempted to offload. This in turn only attracts more of the same....
One of the verses from the Tao suggests that the good times hide within the bad times and vice versa..If this is true then we will always be shifting between the two... This we will eventually learn to accept.

Lean on your Angels today, especially AA Michael if fear is creeping in and delight in the knowledge that they are right there by your side... 

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