
Saturday, 25 January 2020

Card reading

Saturday January 25th 2020

Good Morning,

Thank you for visiting today and the most likely reason for this would be to check your choice of card. Well the 3 cards are pictured below and this energy is for today for you to work with . The cards have been chosen from  my own deck which I designed a few years back after many years of deliberating on how to bring them into the world.  The answer came one fine summers day and I just sat down and designed the whole deck in very little time at all. During that time I had many visitors from Angels to bees and ladybirds all helping to bring forth the card meanings. They are my "go to" deck when I need some guidance which can be used instantly. The cards have been designed to help you to help yourself and if you use the card as an hourly reminder you will hopefully feel purposeful and on track no matter what is going on.

Angels and Saints have many types of energy and messages and you will find that the help you need most at this time is here for you below.

Card 1 is from Archangel Metatron.. 

The colour of this card is important  and this message is important too. It is time to step things up..
To intend is to CREATE and grasp the outcome which is intended for YOU – BY YOU!
Stop EXPECTING and start INTENDING.  There is a  path where the beat of your heart, and the signature of your soul are the deciding factors in your creative birth of a new sphere of influence.

Card 2 is from Archangel Gabriel..

This card is quite wonderful as before I began the card reading I lit a bronze candle to connect with this AA for my writing task ahead. AA Gabriel is here because something new is coming in. Take time to listen in so that you can hear those messages which sometimes come 3 times to ensure you hear them. Look for Lilies and pennies and anything bronze. If you need to write a letter then do so today. if you ahve words that you need to speak then do so today.

Card 3 is from Archangel Chamuel..

Although normally always related to love and relationships this card comes with a bit of a fighting spirit. Stand up for what you believe in and speak your truth to your loved ones. Try if possible to see all sides of a disagreement and remember we can not always have things totally our own way. Today is about speaking your truth and compromise.


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