
Sunday, 3 February 2013


Just a little update for you all as the final months approach with regards to my training.. Yesterday was a hugely succesful day and was the start of the 100 witnessed healing sessions that I need to undertake as part of my studies. I decided to join up with another healer and offer tandem healing which has such a wonderful flow about it. It was a full on day and some of the clients I had never met before. Some were of course friends but my healing colleague had never met any of them. With candles lit and the ambiance just right we began, every one providing us with something different. A blockage.... An over active chakra.... An under active chakra....  A scan of the body revealing areas that needed some healing energy.. WOW it was just amazing. When there are 2 healers present, one healer remains at the client's feet while healer number 1 works on the 7 chakras. It is at that point that we join up and work in unison down the body. It takes practise as you can imagine as the flow has to be perfect. What was great was the feedback and the way that everyone relaxed. Every person who comes for healing seems to have their own unique experience and goes to a different safe place which is what we always try to encourage. There was an air of excitement and a great deal of gratitude going both ways. Well this was the first of many such days and I am also still busy with my own 5 case studies but healing is free while I am a student so if you wish to be considered for a place on the next open day stay tuned to my FB page and watch out for the dates. I do still work Full Time at BA so I am literally flat out with the studying but hopefully the transition to my new career is manifesting..

You will also know that I fund raise for various charities and I am simply overwhelmed at the amounts that have been raised so far. Niamh Curry is my inspiration and she will always remain so. I am in touch with her parents in various ways and honoured that Niamh's mummy is now a follower too!!! I work with The Angelic realms and through this link the money has flooded in.....

If you need anything or perhaps even would like to try some distant healing then just ask.... You will never be turned away xx Remember..if you can bring one soul out of the darkness and into the light then your purpose here has been completed xxx
I am also having some special Cards made and these will available soon to sen to anyone who is need of a little lift. Again, you can find out more on my FB page..
much love to you all as ever... Alison xxxxx

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