
Monday, 4 March 2013

The Chakras and The Endocrine System

The Endocrine System.  (the bodies main control system)

There are 11 systems that operate within our physical bodies and they are 
The Integument, Digestive,  Urinary, Cardiovascular, Central Nervous, Skeletal, Respiratory, Muscular, Endocrine, Reproductive and Lymphatic systems. As healers we are very interested in The Endocrine system because of it's alignment with The Chakras. The Chakras are not physical but simply aspects of the consciousness in the same way that the aura is. The  Endocrine System is a group of Glands controlled by the Pituitary Gland. Some describe the Pituitary gland as the orchestra conductor because this gland controls the others by sending messages relating to the secretion of hormones. If the Pituitary gland is not functioning correctly then you can bet that the other glands will be under strain too.  The hormone secretion through the kidneys and liver are vitally linked to our feeling WELL and spiritual healing can be a great way to connect with Chakras and inevitably The Endocrine system. Why are they connected you may wonder? Well as luck would have it the 7 glands within The Endocrine system are aligned perfectly with the 7 Main Chakras.  They are linked of that there is no doubt and listed below are the 7 Chakras , The link with the glands and the possible issues and emotions relating to them both.

CHAKRA.                      ENDOCRINE GLAND                         ISSUE
Crown                               Pineal.                                        Spiritual denial/ migraines

Brow.                                 Pituitary.                                   Truth/intuition/depression 
                                                                                                       Mood swings

Throat.                               Thyroid.                                      Communication or lack of/
                                                                                                      Father issues

Heart.                                  Thymus.                                      Love/immune system,            

Solar plexus.                      Pancreas.                                  Mind/no emotions

Sacral.                                 Adrenals.                                    Joy/shock/creativity

Base.                                     Gonads.                                      Courage/physical needs

So from the above information it is easy to see how working on the various Chakras during a healing session and ensuring they are fully open and spinning correctly greatly benefits  that particular area of The Endocrine system as they are highly integrated. It is vitally important to look after your body with diet and exercise to ensure that the correct balance is met because after all our Biography will ultimately become our Biology. Look after yourselves guys x


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