
Thursday 22 March 2012

Angel Cards

This card is on that comes up so frequently when I am doing my readings that I thought I would blog about it. This seems to be an area of life where many people get confused. They either give far too much continually and feel totally drained or they receive too much. I have not met many people who have the latter !!! (or at least anyone who admits to it ) The angels will send you this card if your ratio is out of balance. You may feel as though you are being taken advantage of and while it is impossible to balance giving and receiving each day it is a very good idea to strike a healthy balance. To do this The Angels ask you to give something small every day, something just as small as a compliment and on the same day be a gracious receiver of any offers of help that may come your way. Say "thank you" without embarrassment or guilt. If you are the primary giver in a relationship then express your needs and ask for help xx It is quite an easy process to start and may make you feel a whole lot more balanced in your life... I hope this helps some of you xx much love xx

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