
Thursday 29 November 2012

Good Morning All,
I thought it was time that I posted an update so that you are all aware of what I am up to. Well hasn't time flown by.I am into my second year of training at The Harry Edwards College and what a journey it has taken me on so far. I have changed so much as a person. Not with regards to who I am because I will always stand firm in that but in regards to how I view life. I have realised that there is peace to be found in every situation if you can just trust and believe that Divine Guidance is always at work. Once you understand these laws you will find yourself in a place of calm. My friends and family will vouch for the fact that I used to panic a lot, I allowed fear to rule the roost and I was very rarely in this calm place that I now know so very well. To think that I am now a Healer albeit only a student, the results have been amazing. As a Healer it is important to know that it is not me that has healed but that I have become a Channel for the Healing Energies and I have completed many sessions. I am now at the point of having to complete 100 Healing Sessions which have to be witnessed and 5 case studies to be completed with 3 visits from each of these patients. I will be completing my 100 sessions at The Harry Edwards Sanctuary so that a qualified Healer can be witness to my technique etc ensuring that all the necessary guidelines are followed.

Healing aside I have been so lucky in that The Angels have found their way through to me and they show themselves in many ways. I hear their guidance and messages and I am constantly being pushed and nudged but I never ever feel tired. they work me hard but I feel that they are also giving me energies to complete the mission now before me. I am now employed as an Angel Card reader and I read by E-Mail for those who cannot make it to me in person and before you wonder "can these remote readings be as good " YES they can. They are exactly the same with the same wonderful results.

As for A.M Healing well what can I say ????? 1149 followers to date. It is a pleasure working on this page and I am in the process of setting up a website so that I can reach many more people around the world with the readings.....

Well I do hope you are all enjoying the progress so far and as I said at the beginning maybe one day I will be helping you or someone you know ......
lots of love
Alison xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished with your healing and your blog and your readings and your angels and on and on =)

    Its lovely way to share light and love with the world

