
Saturday 22 September 2012

The power of an ANGEL READING xx

This is a blog written by a truly wonderful soul. I had the pleasure of meeting this lady whilst holding an Angel Day at my house and Whitney was the first appointment of the day. The reading that came through via the Angels on that morning was so strong. Sitting before me was someone with so much potential and a very bright future ahead of her.. Of course she had not been able to see this and I had a feeling that this lady was lost. With tissues at hand I read for her for approx 45 minutes. The rest is up to Whitney to explain.. My message and hers is simple. Never underestimate the power of the Angels xxxx

On the 19th of September I was on my way to a lady called Alison's house . All I was told was that it was an angel card reading and because I'd never had one before I didn't really know what to expect. It was a present from my mum because she could see I was losing my way and needed a but of guidance, on the way over I had that feeling that today was going to be a good day and I couldn't have been more right. I turned up and was welcomed into Alison's house and felt so welcomed and comfortable I instantly relaxed. My mum and I had both booked to have our cards read so I was up first, a little nervous but also kind of excited. Before I'd stepped into Alison's house I had little to no focus about where I wanted my life to go or where I was going hence my mum sensing I felt a little lost. I was very down not even wanting to get out of bed most days but having too as everyone does to go to work and keep myself going. I was only in the room a very short while with Alison before pennies started to drop and things she was saying made complete sense to me. After my reading I felt like a different person and still do now, this lady has done for me what no one else could by giving me my focus and drive back and making me feel as though I could do anything I set my mind too. My mum has done this for me before but hearing this from someone who is being given what she gets message wise instead of just trying to reassure me was what I needed. A lady who I have never met has had a massive influence on my life and I would just like to say thank you once again for helping me more than you could imagine.

Many thanks and lots of love
Whitney x

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